
Used in dialogue systems for various purposes including customer service, request routing, or information gathering. While some chatbot applications use extensive word-classification processes

Natural language processors, and sophisticated AI, others simply scan for general keywords and generate responses using common phrases obtained from an associated library or database

Use Cases

Widely used by industries

Customer Service
Cater customers with AI
Automate Sales
Automating Sales with AI
Track Shipping
AI tracks your shipping

Customer Service

  • Customer service is one of the vital business functions where chatbots have a great impact
  • eCommerce industries have integrated chatbots in their website to get the customers insights
  • Financial companies are leveraging the power of chatbots to connect with their customers

Automate Sales

  • Lead generation chatbots can create exceptional conversational experiences for website visitors and qualify them at scale
  • Companies can collect important data of their customers using chatbots to recommend them best product
  • Chatbots are used for providing the lead magnet to customers

Track Shipping

  • Chatbot for customer service is the best way to combat the traditional process and deliver an excellent brand experience
  • Almost every eCommerce company is using chatbots to make tracking devices
  • Many small retailers have started using chatbots to get the best insight of their customers
Customer Service
Cater customers with AI
Automate Sales
Automating Sales with AI
Track Shipping
AI tracks your shipping